LORD’S DAY: What is it?

Originally posted on Biblical Connection:
What does the Bible say regarding the “LORD’s Day”? There’s only one reference to the “LORD’s Day” in all of Scripture and it has no reference to a particular day of the week. “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as…

GRACE: Not a lot of syrup

Originally posted on Biblical Connection:
“Thou art the man” “You have abandoned the commandments of the LORD” Is holiness a “four-letter word” among Christians today? Is that due to grace or Satanic deception? True grace produces holy living. False grace produces fleshly living perversely defended as “true” grace. We need to show more grace today, and grace…

PRIEST: Which one?

Originally posted on Biblical Connection:
What religion’s priest: Is called “Father”? Sprinkles the babies? Uses holy water on the congregation? Is celibate? Reveres Sunday as a holy day? Celebrates the sun’s waxing at Winter Solstice around December 25th? Celebrates the Spring Equinox at Easter? The answer is the religion of Mithraism. WHAT RELIGION DID YOU…

TRUTH: Love’s Guide

Originally posted on Biblical Connection:
Paul, Jude, John, Peter, and other apostles were able to earnestly and assertively debate false teachers, because they were knowledgeable of the Scriptures and were imbued by the Holy Spirit. They were commanded by GOD to debate and expose them. Most don’t realize that we are commanded to do the same, However,…

HERETICS: Calling a spade

Originally posted on Biblical Connection:
False teacher John Piper who recently apologized to Rome and who proclaims baptismal salvation in his Catechisms as shown in an article linked below. Ever heard of that old cliche “Calling a spade a spade”? Do you believe in adding to the Bible or taking away from it? Read the…